Young Black Achievers Student Union (YBASU)
YBASU Mission Statement
We are dedicated to ensuring college preparation, leadership development, community responsibility and successful life planning. Likewise, our goals is to also provide an awareness of the African American Culture.
Meeting Location
Room T-5 during Lunch
Club Advisors
Dr. Chambers, YBASU Advisor (pictured above)
Mr. Reed, co-advisor
Coach Ellis, co-advisor
Support Personnel
Mr. Wright (Coach Cal)
Ms. O'Neal
Mrs. Stanton
Mr. White
The Movement
Club Purpose
The club has thrived over the years continuing to serve young black students in the areas of college-preparation, cultural awareness, self-awareness, tutoring, scholarships, and career awareness. YBA continues to be a cultural an academic support for young black students on the LHS campus. Last year, the efforts of YBA and BSU joined together to create YBASU.
College Preparation
YBASU offers college preparation in several areas:
- counseling and guidance in reading and understanding the transcript process and making sure the correct classes are being taken for college
- tutoring services to assist students in obtaining and maintaining high grade point averages for college entrance
- introducing college culture and awareness
- assisting student with their personal statements, college applications, and entrance interviews
- exposing students to various colleges and universities through tours, field trips, and guest speakers
Cultural, Social, and Community Activities
YBASU include but are not limited to the following
- opportunity to complete community service hours for high school and college
- fundraising
- hosting Black History Month activities and programs
- field trips
- sporting events
- dances
- introduction to Sororities and Fraternities
- pizza parties and bake sales