LHS Academic Decathalon Team Made Strides

The United States Academic Decathlon competition is comprised of ten events. There are seven multiple choice exams—one in each of the following subject areas: art, economics, literature, mathematics, music, science, and social science. Students also take an essay exam and are judged in a prepared and impromptu speech event as well as an interview event.
The culmination of the competition is the Super Quiz relay. The Super Quiz relay includes questions (in multiple-choice format) from the following seven subject areas: art, economics, literature, mathematics, music, science, and social science.
We won third place for our Division in the Super Quiz, the students were very happy about that win!
Students and the awards they won are listed below: 
Gloria Hernandez Gold Medal (Total Score)
Geraldine Gil Silver Medal x2 (Math, Science)
Joseph Jimenez Silver Medal (Literature)
Alyssa Shepherd Silver Medal (Interview)
Division 2 Super Quiz (Third Place)