Club Forms

Establishment of a Club

To become a recognized part of the Lynwood High School Associated Student Body organization (ASB), a club must be composed entirely of students enrolled in the Lynwood Unified School District. Any group of students may apply for permission to form a club by submitting a Club Charter Application, Constitution, Club Advisor Contract, and Budget for approval to the ASB Student Council. The Club Constitution must specify the following:


1)    The name of their organization.

2)    The purpose of the club.

3)    The scope of their proposed activities.

4)    The title, powers, and duties of the officers and the manner of their election.


New student organizations must be approved by the Associated Student Body (ASB) Student Council. An employee of the school district must be appointed to act as supervisor of the activities of the club. All clubs must be open to all students who wish to join.


Renewal of a Club


Each year applications must be renewed in order for the group to be an active school club. At the beginning of each school year, an updated Club Charter Application, Constitution, Club Advisor Contract, and Budget must be filed with the Activities Office. This renewal information constitutes an active student organization. 


Any renewal information and new club information (Club Charter Application, Constitution, Club Advisor Contract and Budget) must be submitted to the Activities Office for approval and will be kept on file. This information must be submitted every year by September 30. It is also important that the Club Advisor keep a copy, as well as all club minutes and any important information pertaining to the club.

Note: Prior to approving activity requests and/or checks, the renewal information must be on file. Club financial transactions may cease and club funds reverted to the ASB General Funds unless the organization shows annually that it is an active club through the submission of the required information.

Note: A club that is inactive for two years is subject to their balance being transferred to Student Body reserves. “Inactivity” is defined as no money moving in or out of the account. A club may still host meetings and presentations, but if no fundraisers are hosted or expenditures made then the club will lose its existing balance.

Clubs and organizations may plan special activities with the approval of the advisor, the ASB Student Council and the Assistant Principal of Activities. 


  • An Activities/Fundraiser Request Form should be submitted to ASB Student Council for inclusion on the school calendar. Requests need to be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • The advisor is responsible for the students and liable for all activities of the organization.


For all activities, it is the responsibility of the advisor to make sure a Facilities Request form, proper work orders, and contracts are submitted to the Assistant Principal of Activities. Campus Security and Custodial Staff is required at major activities, i.e. dances, drama productions, etc. Security and Custodial wages must be paid by the organization sponsoring the event and a purchase order must be submitted to cover these costs. Please submit a schedule of all pertinent information to the Activities Office prior to scheduling a dance. Some activities will require special planning and/or approval of the school board, such as overnight trips or trips outside of the county. Please make sure adequate planning is done well in advance for these approvals.


Approved student organizations may advertise their club meetings, activities, events and fundraisers in the daily announcements. Please complete the Announcement Form and turn it into the Activities Office at least two days before it is to be read in the daily announcements. Posters/flyers may be used but must be approved and stamped by the Activities Office before being posted. 


No student organization may advertise off-campus without written approval of the Assistant Principal of Activities. This includes press releases to local newspapers and/or radio/cable TV stations.


Any activity planned in which a large number of the student body is invited, needs additional approval from the Assistant Principal of Activities. This would require dances, shows, and fundraisers to have additional approvals. It is important that all contracts or agreements with vendors or outside businesses be signed by the Principal only. Club advisors MAY NOT sign any contracts.


Any activity planned off campus, sponsored by a school club or organization must receive prior approval by ASB Student Council and the administrator in charge of Activities.

Club Minutes
The Club Advisor must be present at meetings of the organization. Minutes need to be kept and should reflect a report of business. This is important and establishes a record that can be used as an audit trail for financial transactions of the organization. Therefore, a copy of the minutes authorizing club expenditures must be submitted to the ASB Bookkeeper attached to a Purchase Order with receipts/quote for disbursement of funds.


The minutes should include details of proceedings, including financial matters pertaining to the budget, approval of fundraising ventures, and expenditure authorizations. The minutes might be organized as follows:


  • Meeting Information
    • Date and time of meeting
    • Location of meeting
    • Persons in attendance at meeting
      • Presiding Officer
      • Number of members present
      • Advisor(s)
      • Guests


  • Report of Business
    • Minutes of previous meeting
    • Financial report
    • Activities of standing committees or special committees
    • Communications
    • Old business
    • New business
    • Adjournment


Each motion must be reported. In the report, the motion must be stated, the name of the person who made the motion, the name of the person who seconded the motion, and the result of the voting must be given. You may use the Club Meeting Minutes form if you wish or create your own form.